Spider-sense Tingling
I woke up this morning at 7 a.m. as usual, put my coffee on (Millstone Kona blend for today—I don't recommend it) and proceeded to shower. On finishing my shower, I drank a few cups and crammed for my Spanish exam while simultaneously finishing the last three pages of a comparison/contrast paper on Katherine Mansfield and Doris Lessing. I had to skip Shakespeare (my first class at 9 a.m.) but managed to finish up and make it to Spanish for my exam, which I completed before my coffee pot (the Hamilton Beach BrewStation) had a chance to shut itself off.
Yes. It is the mangled carcass of a spider. The damn thing looks like a brown recluse. It met a terrible fate I must say, being steamed alive and brewed into my java. I wish I hadn’t drank half the pot before discovering the body. I just hope it wasn’t radioactive…