Sunday, December 11, 2005

Murphy's Law

Murphy’s Law. Most Americans know it well. I am sure most cultures have their own version of this universal adage. No one can escape it. I am no exception. There is never an exception with Murphy’s Law, only an acceptation. Tomorrow, finals week begins and of course my immune system decided to go have a cigarette at a most inappropriate time. I managed to write up an excruciating five-page essay this weekend for the take-home portion of my English Lit II final exam, but of course I have so far neglected to commit any time studying for it. I have a final every day this week except Tuesday which I will probably reserve for sleep.

I have been nursing myself with orange juice, vitamins, some OTC nasal decongestant, and my roommate’s girlfriend’s collection of Sex and the City on DVD. MS Word just informed me that “roommate’s girlfriend’s” is a colloquialism. A colloquialism is usually considered an aspect of regional dialect. For example, many people in central Kentucky say, “quieten down” or in southern Indiana, “I need to ‘warsh’ the dishes.” I have even heard such outrageous statements as “there ain’t shit in there but nuthin’.” These sentences literally mean nothing in accordance to traditional English grammar. However, used in the appropriate geographic location, they can be quite comprehensible and even powerful. Regardless, I think “roommate’s girlfriend’s” is a perfectly legitimate phrase. The DVD collection belongs to the girlfriend of my roommate. Case closed.

Anyhow, I started with the first season and worked my way up to disc 3 of the second season. I had watched a few episodes with her before, but never took the time to really watch it intensely or with much focus. I saw the stack of Sex and the City sitting on the dresser and since I felt like shit, decided to watch them from the beginning. I didn’t really start to form a solid opinion until disc 1 of the second season. Still, I am not going to form an official opinion of the show until I have seen them all. I may further elaborate in a future post. For now, I am going to sleep and hopefully I will feel like getting up at 7am tomorrow and actually doing something. Murphy is a real bastard.


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